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All round care management.

Full, practical and effective ‘e-working’ for care management? Yes.

Working with and for care management authorities for over 25 years we have proven experience in meeting the demands of these specialist services. We are one of the few providers of a fully digital end-to-end solution from referral through to provision, funding and care monitoring.

Through our range of solutions, we support each stage of the client/patient journey. In doing so you will unlock service efficiencies, allowing your team to work smarter, not harder. QA360 All parts of the whole.

Gateway to Care

The common entry point into any ICB management system for health and social care needs.

Creating referrals at the point of need with evidence and consent attachments ensures data accuracy and avoids duplication.  Current interfaces include:

Chord360  All Age Continuing Care

MediRef360  Consultant and Specialist Clinic management

Configurable to any local standards – DSTs, Checklists, FastTrack, and Individual Funding Requests are automatically routed to the appropriate care team ready for processing. For more information please select Systems/Gateway to Care

Care Management

Covering every aspect of AACC:

  Receipt of a referrals

  Initial assessment

  Funding approval


  Provider contract bid and placement

  Purchase scheduling For more information please select Systems/Care Management


Ratification Tools

Full e-support for multi-discipline teams, patients and stakeholders – all with a vital part to play in funding approval and placements. 

Teams are one approach – but disjointed with manual intervention. 

Our portal integrates the process for a seamless progression from Assessment to Funding Approval, Placement and Reviews.  

Contact context invitees, relevant material, prompted attendance & minuted outcomes. For more information please select Systems/Ratification

Overture 360

Patient Gateway

Comprehensive information portal for patients, advocates and authorised stakeholders this provides tailored support for:

Personal Health Budgets

Patient Journey Status


Attachment For more information please select Systems/Patient Gateway

Duet 360

Mobile Assessments

Needs Assessment App and Portal for use by either in-house or external Care Professionals to support the review process.

Providing offline and online options for DSTs and other assessment templates to provide an efficient system to drive down time costs and eliminate backlogs.

more text to come For more information please select Systems/Provider Gateway